Thursday, April 26, 2007

That Doesn't Say "Hikers," Dipshit

Everyone has pet peeves. Some of them are more important and valid, like rudeness. Some are less so, like my noted distaste for Goth kids. I've seen "pet peeve" described as a "minor annoyance that can instill extreme frustration in an individual." These things differ from person to person. Of course, the whole point is the minority of it. There is absolutely no reason to get worked up over something so trivial. And yet, you can't stop yourself from getting worked up.
One of my biggest pet peeves is vanity license plates that have a "1" where there should be an "I." "W1NNER" is not the same as "WINNER." If the vanity plate you want is taken, then get something else. Use your brain. Don't try to cheat by using a 1 when it's clearly a 1 and not an I. You're not fooling anyone.
Yesterday I saw a license plate that was doubly offensive in this regard. I believe it was supposed to read "HIKERS," but of course it didn't. It was "H1KER5." What the hell is that? H one ker five? I saw the driver getting out of the car and I almost called her on it. But what would be the point?

1 comment:

Dalton said...

UPDATE: If you saw this week's episode of The Sopranos, you may have noticed that Vito Spatafore, Jr. has embraced the Goth subculture. One of the best lines in the episode was when Phil "Leonardo" Leotardo told him, "you look like a Puerto Rican hoo-ah."